Monday, December 22, 2008

Not quite

I made it to 18 days in a row, then hit my first final exam in 15 years. Insomnia, no exercise, pizza and ice cream for the last 3 days. I was still 136.2 this morning, though, and plan to get in three workouts this week before we head to California on Saturday.

This person is going to be my inspiration for the 12 weeks after we get back from California:

She's roughly the same height and age as me and her before weight and size are similar. I don't know about shooting for a size 4, though, that seems a little extreme.

Monday, December 15, 2008

C's weigh-in: 136.2

Happy with the progress. I've exercised 14 days in a row so far. I'm planning to save all extra points this week for cookie baking on Saturday. I have a final on Saturday morning but have so far avoided the insomnia that usually goes with something like that.

Another clue to motivation for me - exercising every day is easier than trying to exercise most days. It takes the decision out of it, I don't start rationalizing about how tomorrow will be better.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Tired Eating

Last night I had the worst sleep, all because I didn't make a list of things I had to do, so I woke up and tried to remember all of them, and then looped back and tried to remember all of them again, etc. So today I was snacktastic. And while HBD is in effect, I totally just ate about 10 homemade oatmeal-raisin cookies AND I DON'T EVEN LIKE RAISINS.


Monday, December 8, 2008

C's weigh-in: 138.2

Basically just shooting for my original goal of 135 before the California trip at the end of the month.

So far so good with the exercise every day plan. My parents had Griffin overnight on Saturday night and yesterday I realized that if I can exercise any time I want to, I don't. I had all day yesterday and didn't drag myself to the basement until last night after Griffin had come home and was sleeping. I guess having too much time doesn't work because it makes it easier to put it off. The main things keeping me on track right now are this blog and a calendar on the wall that I mark with an X for every day I stay on plan. Maybe that's the whole secret to motivation, I don't know.

Friday, December 5, 2008


I've worked out every morning this week, so far so good. One thing I realized is that if I'm not really motivated I can come up with lots of reasons I just can't exercise. Monday morning I woke up and saw that we had 3 inches of snow. Last year this would mean I skip exercise and get stuff ready while Julian shovels the driveway for an hour (because he is a saint). On Monday I woke up Julian and then went searching for the old baby monitor so I could exercise and still hear Griffin when he woke up. There was some scrambling at the last minute to get the breakfasts and lunches ready and everyone showered and dressed but it worked out. On Wednesday morning Griffin woke up at 4am and I couldn't fall back asleep before my alarm went off at 5:30. If I'm not feeling motivated that's plenty of reason reset the alarm - too bad, didn't work out. Knowing this doesn't help with the main problem, though - how to get and stay motivated?

Monday, December 1, 2008


I am thankful for the 140s blog, for real. I'm declaring Hotbody December and it starts today and right now I'm home from work and procrastinating going to the gym, but I'm going to go, I swear! I'm going to spend the next four weeks doing Turbulence Training for Abs in the hopes that I won't be embarrassed when we spend New Year's Eve in LA and I'm expected to wear a swimsuit for part or all of the proceedings.

Also, I'm on track to get to the 140s in the next week or two, which is also good times. Yay us!

C's weigh-in: 139.8

I'm pretty sure the only way I'm still (barely) in the 130's is that any muscle I might have had has turned to fat. I did work out this morning, though, and am going to focus on that.