Friday, December 5, 2008


I've worked out every morning this week, so far so good. One thing I realized is that if I'm not really motivated I can come up with lots of reasons I just can't exercise. Monday morning I woke up and saw that we had 3 inches of snow. Last year this would mean I skip exercise and get stuff ready while Julian shovels the driveway for an hour (because he is a saint). On Monday I woke up Julian and then went searching for the old baby monitor so I could exercise and still hear Griffin when he woke up. There was some scrambling at the last minute to get the breakfasts and lunches ready and everyone showered and dressed but it worked out. On Wednesday morning Griffin woke up at 4am and I couldn't fall back asleep before my alarm went off at 5:30. If I'm not feeling motivated that's plenty of reason reset the alarm - too bad, didn't work out. Knowing this doesn't help with the main problem, though - how to get and stay motivated?

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