Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wintertime... And the Eatin' is Clean

OK, let's talk about Clean Eating, the magazine, the philosophy, what have you.

The truth is, I love sugar. Well, I love baked goods, and I've found they're just so much more delicious when they're made of some combination of flour, butter, and sugar. And optionally, chocolate. That said, I've been trying this clean eating business, I'd guess about 50% of what I've eaten the past 4 weeks, and I really like it. And I'm going to try my damndest to increase that percentage while still counting points like nobody's business.

About the magazine, one caveat: Use Weight Watchers' Recipe Builder (WW) or another nutrition site to figure out the nutrition information for any of the recipes in there. I swear they haven't tested them all, or did so half-assedly, because some are just plain wrong. I'll post a few errors I discovered later when I have the magazine in front of me, but for now just take my word for it.

Here's my clean menu for today:

Breakfast: Mouth-Watering Oatmeal (5 POINTS) (+ a few blueberries)

Early Lunch (pre-gym): 1 scoop protein powder + 1 c skim milk (4 POINTS)

Late Lunch (post-gym): Weight Watchers' Hearty Turkey Chili + 1/4 avocado (6 POINTS)

Dinner: NY Times' Pureed Carrot Soup* + 1/2 T flax seed meal + 1 tsp olive oil (3 POINTS)

That leaves me 2 POINTS for hot chocolate before bed. Perfect.

*I modified this recipe slightly:
- 1 tsp butter (instead of 1 T)
- 1 tsp olive oil (instead of 1 T)
- sub brown short-grain rice for the arborio
When I Recipe-Buildered it, it came out to 1 POINT per 200g - I usually eat 300-400g in a serving.

P.S. I'm still hovering at 155. Will post after weigh-in tomorrow. My goal is 144 by March 1 - tough with Super Bowls and Valentines' Days and birthday brunches and baby showers and all that, but not impossible.

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