Tuesday, April 13, 2010

G's Weigh-in: 78kg

I hyperventilated a little when I saw that number yesterday. Then I did the conversion to pounds and I hyperventilated a little more.

I'm going to use this blog a lot in the next few weeks as I suspect there are many upcoming situations, both celebratory and stressful, during and after which I will want to eat. I'm glad we're in this together (which is not to say I'm glad everyone wants to lose bunch of weight. Body acceptance, blah blah blah. You know what I mean).

PS: Despite the abundance of cheap and delicious Malbec in these parts, I'm on the wagon for now. As Sparkly D observed almost 2 years ago, "one glass of wine and my hands become calorie shovels." Word.

Monday, April 12, 2010

C's weigh-in: 142.4

I'm eating well. I'm hitting my points targets, getting lots of fruits and vegetables, and limiting sugar and flour.

I'm sucking at exercise. I planned to do a Turbulence Training workout yesterday and I put it off until yesterday evening. I only got in half a workout before it was time to put Griffin to sleep. I am so out of shape! Seriously, I'm having trouble with kneeling push-ups. I guess it can only get better from here, but in the short term this really sucks.

Friday, April 9, 2010


When we arrived in Buenos Aires in December I bought a pair of less-backpackery pants to wear out in the city.

Last night I could barely get into them. Motivation? Yes. My big thing has been, oh, when I get back to Canada I'll start the project. But if I stick with that I'll probably have yet another 5 pounds to lose by then, which will make the project a month longer.

So it starts now.

I'm in

I was in a groove. Exercising regularly, eating mostly healthy food, staying between 130 and 134 pounds without tracking what I ate. Then there were excuses and I stopped exercising and my weight crept up to 136. Then I freaked out and decided to try this and then this. Then more excuses and I've spent the last three months eating everything in sight "while I still can!" This morning I weighed 143 pounds and I only have two pairs of pants that fit me.

I'm going back to what works for me. Tracking food with weight watchers, less carbs, turbulence training. And this blog. Hello again!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Mystery Solved

Today I was jiggling my thigh and mused (aloud, but really to myself), "How did this happen?"

Ken quietly picked up the (empty) Reeses peanut butter egg wrapper on the table.