Tuesday, June 3, 2008

And So It Began

To: G
From: D
Subject: fatbody

My quest to get into the 140s is tragically failing!
I am seriously getting fat body! fek. I'm freaking
out cuz I've tried to get back on board and it just
isn't sticking.

Drastic measures: (proposed)
- WW (yes it is that bad!) - I even found the meeting!
- Running coach - need more cardio.
- Yoga (I never go! This one I am skeptical about)

Climbing on its own is not cutting it.

To: D
From: G
Subject: Re: fatbody

I am right there with you! I'm glad to have company at least. I hate to admit this but I hit 160 recently which totally bummed me out. THAT IS THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION OF 140!

I'm doing WW as well, and I will renew my efforts. I haven't been running nearly as much as I should or doing enough yoga. Maybe we could start a joint blog to chronicle our efforts, even if it's just for ourselves? Maybe... oneforties.blogspot.com?

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