(a) the jars
(b) eating the lunch I brought
(c) working out
(d) all of the above
If you answered (d), you're correct! You don't win anything.
The jars are stupidly tempting. I've blogged about them before - they're full of tasty bits like M&Ms, peanut M&Ms, chocolate-covered raisins, Jelly Bellys, and Reeses Pieces (my personal favourite). Lately I've been hitting them up around 2 p.m., then again around 2:30 p.m., and usually after my DD fix wears off (around 5 p.m.). But, no more! As D says, it wouldn't look good on the blog.

I did, however, skip my bag lunch in favour of the catered lunch - a mostly-healthy combo of tiny crustless sandwiches, veggie skewers, and pasta with tomato sauce and cheese. I'm a sucker for that and always take just a bit to begin with but inevitably end up going back for more. I think after today I will Just Say No to the pasta option.

I also got home too late for HLNKBA* and it's looking increasingly like I'm going to bag any aspirations of gym-going tonight, but tomorrow morning I'll be running at least 3.4 and possibly closer to 8 miles! There's always that, right?
*Hot Lesbian Neighbour Kick-Boxing Action
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