Monday, March 9, 2009

C's weigh-in: 133.6

I'll try to remember that any damage that can be done in a week can probably be undone in a week. When I go off track for a day or longer it's hard not to decide that it's all ruined and I might as well just give up.

Also, I got about half way to a chin-up yesterday. I'm doing one of the Turbulence Training workouts for women and it says if you can't do a full chin-up you can boost yourself to the top and then slowly lower yourself for each rep. Instead of doing that I've been attempting a chin-up on the bar and then doing pull-downs on the Bowflex for the actual reps. I'm using 140lb of weight on the Bowflex for the pull-downs, and I'm not going airborne so the Bowflex is lying.

We're going to an indoor waterpark with a group of friends next weekend. I bought a new swimsuit yesterday and have strong motivation to stay on track this week. It'll be hard to eat well next weekend but there's a gym at the hotel and I'm looking forward to working out someplace that isn't my basement.

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