Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's Not About The Food

OK this fucking fan is driving me crazy.  I have tried for 10 minutes to find a more clever and entertaining way to say it but it is 1:30 am, and this incessant, throbbing, mechanical tumor inches from my head is like a violent spin cycle that goes on forever!!!

This week:

What I did not do:  (and should have!)
- Join ww - I scheduled lunch with a friend tomorrow, forgetting my intention to go to St. Andrew's Church for the lunch ww meeting starting Thursday!
- Start my 'Couch to 5k' running plan - rainy weather would be the easiest excuse but low energy and apathy are closer to the truth.  I did print of the schedule though!

What I did not do: (and I'm proud I didn't!)
- Drink booze when out with Ken and Mike tonight.  Booze is the road to ruin in this game.
- Eat Nachos at The Pump (I had a Chicken Greek Salad at lunch and sushi for dinner.  I will feel fatter tomorrow (post sushi water retention) but won't actually be fatter.
- Have a midnight snack when I woke up from my neighbour's fan and went upstairs to sleep on the couch (Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday this week)
- Go downstairs and scream hysterically outside my neighbor's window in my pjs: 'turn off that effing fan you little shit.  It is freakin' ten degrees outside.  I'm wearing flannel for effsake!  TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF TURN IT OFF!'  (Picture Shirley MacClaine: 'GIVE MY DAUGHTER THE SHOT!!!')

What I did do: (and should not have!)
- Had one of my most career limiting conversations ever!!! where I informed my boss that I am 'ready to shoot myself' and that the thought of creating a charter for the next phase of the big IT system implementation I work on makes me feel 'physically ill'.  It was in the context of 'needing renewal' which went over like a lead balloon and made me look like I don't have enough work.  Most people try to keep their quiet desperation, well, quiet.  Particularly good timing given recent layoffs and upcoming salary review.
- Drew an alter ego face (later named 'Mandy') during a particularly boring meeting and answered questions while holding up the picture and talking in a high-pitched Mandy voice.  Then requested that someone report my behaviour to someone from HR!

What I did do: (and I'm proud I did!)
- Climb on Monday in spite of feeling unmotivated and weak.
- Stuck out the week so far without resigning or seriously telling someone off.  I know it is lame but it is the only one I could come up with for this category!!!

Oh jeez It is now 2:35 am and there are two raccoons snarling outside or maybe one and some poor victim creature.  Maybe I need a new voice for Mandy! 




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