Monday, February 9, 2009

C's weigh-in: 135 - goal!

Woohoo! It took a freaking year to get here and I really didn't think it was possible for me to be this weight again.

I've been wondering about the right way to keep going, though. It seems like lately I've been working harder for less results. I decided I'm going to let weight watchers switch me to maintenance. I have a hard time making myself eat more than the daily points target and this causes a really unhealthy cycle of starving and then going off points for a day or two and binging. Apparently being on maintenance switches my daily points target from 19 to 23, which, seriously? I'm pretty sure I'll keep losing weight at 23 points/day and hopefully it'll help ease me in to a more healthy way of eating over the long haul.

I'm also wondering how long to keep paying for weight watchers. I mean, it worked for me and I'm grateful. But, am I going to keep counting points forever? I guess if that's what it takes to keep the weight off I might be ok with that. Have any of you tried a free site like sparkpeople?


Brianna said...

I had a similar problem going off of WW I ended up dropping a bit below 130 and looking, frankly, a little overly thin. I never really did maintenance ( hell i never really did WW... not officially) but instead just slowly ate a little more. Which went great for 2 years... and then this last summer I gained 10lbs. It's a tough balancing act.


Candace said...

That's really good to know, thanks! I think my body composition is a little different, I don't think I'm close to a point where anyone would think I'm too skinny. Of course, I could also be completely in denial. It's great to hear from someone who's been here before...

Gillian said...

DUDE! I'm so proud of you - congrats! That totally rules! Let me know how maintenance goes. I'm having a hell of a time staying in points lately, but that could be the winter talking...