Monday, February 2, 2009

G's Weigh-In: 153.6

Wow, I'm super proud of you C! And I just realized that I didn't post my weigh-in last week: 153.6. So I'm almost back to the lowest point I hit in the summer, which I think was 152.9. Good times. I did pretty well on the weekend (even foregoing chocolate banana pancakes in favour of a poached egg at brunch on Sunday). I also ran a 4M race and finished in 38:30: better than my goal of 40:00 but not quite at my secret goal of 38:00.

The bad news is, I kind of fudged up my knee running so I'm skipping the gym tonight in favour of RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation). And I'm not even going to snack to make myself feel better.

P.S. I also hate when Weight Watchers doesn't throw me a party when I lose a pound. Bastards.

P.P.S. WW's Hearty Turkey Chili recipe rules my world.

1 comment:

Candace said...

It's great to start so near your low weight from the summer! I hope your knee is feeling better...