Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Freakin' B&J!

B&J = Ben and Jerry = Half Baked ice cream bar = what I ate last night while walking home from the Y-Man's place.

The thing I don't usually manage is to count POINTS when I'm eating such a thing. It usually means I'm off the rails and POINTS are the furthest thing from my mind - which has an interesting psychology of its own... That's a rabbithole we won't go down right now! My nugget of wisdom:

One of the biggest behaviours to master on the way to the 140s is getting back on track quickly! (ie same day or at the latest - next morning!) Sometimes I've had trouble with this in the past. For instance - Crap! I ate B&J! Guess I'll binge until Monday morning! Not this time though. The weekend was not perfect but I'm getting back on that horse and riding my way to the land of 140s!




Candace said...

I am right there with you on this. Getting right back on track is key. The same day. I start trying to convince myself a body can only absorb so many calories and since I'm off track anyway... Then I eat a whole loaf of zucchini bread (happened last week).

Gillian said...

Oh, I love this game! Like on Saturday at a baby shower, when I'd already thrown caution to the wind, after everyone left I ate chicken salad and ice cream for dinner, because hey, off the wagon already, right?

Also, DAMN that Ben & Jerry. They're so seductive.