Friday, August 15, 2008


I just realized I'm not medically overweight anymore, my BMI hit normal at 147 pounds. I have my annual physical next Tuesday, I've had that physical in mind for while now. At last year's physical I talked to my doctor about my plan to lose weight and told her I was starting Weight Watchers. She said she'd found Weight Watchers or just counting calories with something like fitday to be the most effective approaches. Since I'd had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant she scheduled me for a blood test. When she called me a few weeks later I immediately thought my blood sugar was elevated. Instead she told me about the abnormal cells that were the beginning of last year's medical scare. Then a week later she called again to tell me that also, my blood sugar was elevated.

My body reacts to being moderately overweight like I'm really, really obese. I know I was in denial about how much weight I gained, but over and over I've had doctors look at me and say "this shouldn't be happening". PCOS, gestational diabetes, endometrial hyperplasia. I have issues with insulin resistance and I have issues with too much estrogen. This creates a feedback loop where it's easier to gain weight and that makes me have more insulin resistance and more estrogen. I think trying to limit carbohydrates and using a progesterone supplement have helped a lot.

I'll do another blood test at the physical next week and which will hopefully come back normal. Then I need to keep reminding myself that being overweight is just not an option for me.

Update: My fasting blood sugar was 100, right on the borderline between normal and prediabetes. I guess maybe I really should shoot for 128 as my goal weight.

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