Friday, August 1, 2008

Happy Weight

I just had way too much fun figuring out how to measure my wrist at work. Fun with office supplies!

Wrist - 5.5". Height - 5'4.5". It thinks my happy weight is 128.5.

My rough goal is 135 pounds, my plan is to get into the 130's and then find a personal trainer to measure my body fat percentage. I think the 21-24% body fat range should be my goal.

When I started this back in February I was a size 16, now the size 10 clothes are getting loose. I'm guessing 10 more pounds would put me a least into a size 8, maybe a 6. I bought a bunch of size 12 clothes several months ago that now literally fall off, so I'm holding out for a while before I go on another clothes buying spree.

I'm planning to exercise 6 mornings/week for the rest of my life, alternating weight training with cardio. I think my "happy weight" is going to be whatever I can maintain at that level of exercise while eating good food. I'm trying to learn to hold out for the truly good food instead of eating kid birthday cake and work pizza and whatever else is in in front of me. I'm trying to pay attention to portion control. It's easier for me to go to extremes than to find moderation, I'm scared of maintenance.

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